Day 3 -- Your Favorite Quote
So much for this getting easier. I am a complete and total quote slut. The Quotes page of Pinterest is a frequent visit for me (addiction I tell you!). You have lifelong favorite quotes and quotes that are your favorite in the now. To narrow this down to just ONE favorite quote is impossible for me, so you're getting four. They kind of work in pairs; the first two and then the second two. Two are new to me, two are old favorites. Let's do this.
New Old
I'll start with the new.
I absolutely love this. It is a daily reminder that no matter how difficult I think my journey may get, I HAVE to keep going. This kind of ties back to my first post about my struggle with college. This quote seems to pop back up at all the right times.
The old.
F. Scott Fitzgerald. Do I really need to say anything else? One of my all-time favorite authors. The guy has a way with words and never ceases to amaze. If you must know, choosing just one of his quotes to use was a feat in itself for me... but I did it. This is basically my life. I want to leave this town, not because I absolutely hate it but because I want to see bigger things. I want to meet new people that have different ideas than I, and those around me, have. I want to travel. I can't wait.
Old New
The old.
YES. We're all a part of the universe and I wish everyone could see that. But we're too caught up in our own lives to look around and experience life for the amazing thing that it is. It kills me that there are people in this world who think that they don't belong here. "You have a RIGHT to be here." I don't care if you're black, white, straight, gay, short, tall. We ALL have a right to be here. The fact that there are those who constantly put others down and make them feel that they are worthless is beyond me. I know, I know. This sounds like a Miss America world peace spiel (vote for me!) but I honestly can't help it. "Do unto others", remember? Let judgement be handled by who it needs to be handled by; God. Don't get me wrong, I judge. We all do. No one is by any means perfect. But just think about how your words can affect another's life before you go throwing them around. FIN.
The new.
Okay, last one for the stragglers who have made it this far. Beasts of the Southern Wild. Good grief I love this film. Another struggle to choose just one, but above all this one stands out for me. "I see that I'm a little piece of a big, big universe, and that makes things right." That's all that we are. A little piece of a giant universe. If you didn't feel small before, I bet you sure do now. But that isn't a bad thing! We need to be knocked back down on our butts from time to time. Reminded that there is so much more out there besides us, but we have to be here for the universe to work. "If one piece busts, even the smallest piece, the entire universe will get busted." Quick plug: If you haven't seen this film, go watch it. NOW.
Okay, so I think I've failed this challenge just 3 days in. Three quotes over the limit, whoops. Carry on, good sirs and ma'ams.
Jennifer. OUT.