Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 6 -- What are you afraid of?

Two things top the fear charts for me; those are snakes, and failure.

Snakes. They can't be trusted. Anyone who tells you that they like snakes is a liar. I welcome any positive examples of these slithering monstrosities. My most recent run in with a snake came a few weeks ago when I was in the lake at my parent's house. I saw what I thought was a turtle head, was about to point it out to my friend (it was around 2-3 feet from us. Ew.), then I saw a tongue. Panic ensued on both of our parts, I swam the wrong direction trying to get to the dock stairs, had a rope touch my arm, thought I was a goner, then somehow made it onto the dock. I imagine that I walked on water or levitated out of pure fear. Ew.

Failure. This is probably the most generic fear but I definitely have it. Don't get me wrong, I firmly believe that you must learn from your mistakes and failure... but failure on a large scale is absolutely terrifying to me. The main thing I worry about failing at is probably my future job. So much rides on a production manager or assistant director. One little slip up and your entire career will be done. Yikes. But I'm trying to not let that get in the way of my dreams.

So there they are. Two things that I am most afraid of. Pretty common but realistic things. The day that snakes cannot bite or kill will be the day that I am not afraid of them. Failure is a fear but I honestly believe it's a good fear. We all need that little piece of fear of failure in the back of our minds to motivate us to do our best. I'll leave it at that.

Jennifer. OUT.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

I failed...

Well if overshooting my quote limit on Day 3 didn't fail me, I have succeeded in failure this time. I missed Day 4. I have solid reasoning though; it was the 4th. End of excuse. Here we are at Day 5 so I'll just do two today (and keep 'em short).

Day 4 (failure day) -- Your Dream Job

Assistant Director. That is my top goal as of right now. When I get into the industry I'm sure things will change when opportunities open up and I experience the different jobs first hand. I am literally asking for a lifetime of stress and probably no life, but it is such an interesting position. 
Bring it on, Hollywood.

Day 5 -- Your Proudest Moment

Right now, in this second, I would have to say that my proudest moment for myself was when I finally came out of my shell and quit basing my life off of the opinions of others and followed my own paths. It is such a relief. If you're terrified of letting someone down, a sure fire way to do just that is to follow a path that you aren't happy with. If you don't love what you do, you're going to be miserable and more than likely eventually let that person (who's path you're following) down. So there's my proudest moment: when I FINALLY found myself buried underneath a lifetime of confusion.

Well that wasn't too painful. Now a Walking Dead marathon is on and I have to watch these episodes for the billionth time.

Jennifer. OUT.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Day 3 -- Favorite Quote

Day 3 -- Your Favorite Quote

So much for this getting easier. I am a complete and total quote slut. The Quotes page of Pinterest is a frequent visit for me (addiction I tell you!). You have lifelong favorite quotes and quotes that are your favorite in the now. To narrow this down to just ONE favorite quote is impossible for me, so you're getting four. They kind of work in pairs; the first two and then the second two. Two are new to me, two are old favorites. Let's do this.

                   New                                                                                Old

I'll start with the new. 
I absolutely love this. It is a daily reminder that no matter how difficult I think my journey may get, I HAVE to keep going. This kind of ties back to my first post about my struggle with college. This quote seems to pop back up at all the right times. 

The old.
F. Scott Fitzgerald. Do I really need to say anything else? One of my all-time favorite authors. The guy has a way with words and never ceases to amaze. If you must know, choosing just one of his quotes to use was a feat in itself for me... but I did it. This is basically my life. I want to leave this town, not because I absolutely hate it but because I want to see bigger things. I want to meet new people that have different ideas than I, and those around me, have. I want to travel. I can't wait.

                     Old                                                                                            New

The old.
YES. We're all a part of the universe and I wish everyone could see that. But we're too caught up in our own lives to look around and experience life for the amazing thing that it is. It kills me that there are people in this world who think that they don't belong here. "You have a RIGHT to be here." I don't care if you're black, white, straight, gay, short, tall. We ALL have a right to be here. The fact that there are those who constantly put others down and make them feel that they are worthless is beyond me. I know, I know. This sounds like a Miss America world peace spiel (vote for me!) but I honestly can't help it. "Do unto others", remember? Let judgement be handled by who it needs to be handled by; God. Don't get me wrong, I judge. We all do. No one is by any means perfect. But just think about how your words can affect another's life before you go throwing them around. FIN.

The new.
Okay, last one for the stragglers who have made it this far. Beasts of the Southern Wild. Good grief I love this film. Another struggle to choose just one, but above all this one stands out for me. "I see that I'm a little piece of a big, big universe, and that makes things right." That's all that we are. A little piece of a giant universe. If you didn't feel small before, I bet you sure do now. But that isn't a bad thing! We need to be knocked back down on our butts from time to time. Reminded that there is so much more out there besides us, but we have to be here for the universe to work. "If one piece busts, even the smallest piece, the entire universe will get busted." Quick plug: If you haven't seen this film, go watch it. NOW. 

Okay, so I think I've failed this challenge just 3 days in. Three quotes over the limit, whoops. Carry on, good sirs and ma'ams. 

Jennifer. OUT.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 2 -- 20 Facts

  1. I am apparently a morning person. (Being at work at 4:30am does that to you I guess)
  2. I have a serious Pinterest addiction. I check it like some people check Facebook.
  3. When I was little I would walk around holding my finger up like it was a person saying "This is Dateline News" in an anchor's voice. I can't explain.
  4. If I find a song that I like, I play it over and over again. I'm worse than the radio stations.
  5. I miss playing soccer almost daily.
  6. I can't wait to graduate and move to a city, but I am also terrified that I will hate it.
  7. 90's Pop on Pandora. My life. My happiness.
  8. I can easily watch an entire series on Netflix in one day or a minimum of 4 movies. EASILY.
  9. If reincarnation is a thing I think that I came back as a 97 year old in this body. Old souls unite!
  10. If you were to stab me I would probably bleed coffee and tea.
  11. I could spend a solid winter week in a mountain cabin. Just me, my dog, a fireplace, and a stack of books. Heaven.
  12. Like 98% of the population, failure is one of my biggest fears. **percentages not accurate**
  13. Math.  My kryptonite. 1+1=stress.
  14. I have 4 nephews with one more on the way. I really have no idea what I'd do with a niece.
  15. I am one of the most awkward people I know.
  16. I have worked at the same place for 6.5 years. Guys... I just realized that. When does ownership kick in?
  17. I need a Mini Cooper. Like, yesterday.
  18. A dream is to see a concert at Red Rocks. Preferably Mumford & Sons.
  19. I am most excited about traveling when I start my career.
  20. Speaking of my career, the movie that began my wonder and amazement for film is a tie between E.T. and Jurassic Park. I mean come on... friendly aliens and dinosaurs. How could I choose? 

Whew. That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I literally forget who I am every time I'm asked to give random facts about myself. 

"So, who is Jennifer?" I don't know, you tell me because I have never met her.

Let's hope that the rest of this challenge isn't such a struggle bus. 

Jennifer. OUT.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This 30 Day Blog Challenge hubbaloo

Being the Pinterest addict that I am it was only a matter of time before I came across one of those 30 Day Challenge things for a blog. Maybe this will make me actually write more than... once. And I promise, these entries will be MUCH shorter than my first. So here we go...

Day 1: Your blog's name -- Houselife.

There's a very simple explanation for this one; my last name is House, and this is my life. Houselife. I even Googled "blog name generator" in hopes of finding something so witty or hilarious that I would just stare at my blog's title and think "good grief that's great". That was to no avail. I will more than likely change it once I think of something more clever, but for now I am content with my choice. 

I literally have zero else to talk about on this subject so I will save your eyes for tomorrow.